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Produced as a part of Carnegie Mellon's Playground Festival of Student Work

A woman is the victim of sexual violence by a man who is more powerful than her. Years later, she must testify before the entire country to prevent that man from getting a seat on the Supreme Court for life. Natural Law tells that story, which belongs to both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Professor Anita Hill, although 27 years apart. Using found words from the hearings of Thomas and Kavanaugh, but framed as a Greek tragedy, ideas of fate and circularity emphasize the repetition of this inequity in women’s destinies.

Director: Lucy Murphy

Assistant Director: Sarah Stowell

Dramaturg: Sally Kozminski & Grace LaCarte

Scenic Design: Elena DelVecchio

Costume Designer: Mitchell Jacobs

Lighting Designer: Bishop Sforza

Sound Designer: Elena Keogh

Stage Manager: Kaylie Carpenter

Paints Charge: Natalie Eslami

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